Reading Challenges

2024 reading challenges

Every year there is a host of reading challenges - it boggles the mind! I genuinely can never decide which to join so I decided to create my own... because.. why not? A great way to knock off some books from my TBR and to see if I can continue this streak of reading more… Continue reading 2024 reading challenges

Reading Challenges · Reviews

Review: Hello, Goodbye, and Everything in Between by Jennifer E. Smith

Published: 2015 By: Poppy Source: Borrowed Format: Hardcover ISBN:  9780316334426 – Goodreads xx Two high school sweethearts spending their last night together before going off to university. Clare has been stressing herself out with the reality of how difficult it would be to maintain a relationship with Aidan at a distance, and knew that it would be inevitable that… Continue reading Review: Hello, Goodbye, and Everything in Between by Jennifer E. Smith